Travessia: as experiências de educandas e educadoras/es no cursinho popular quilombola – Córrego do Meio
Tawani Mara de Sousa Paiva
The aim of this work is to investigate the meanings attributed to the experience by scholars and teachers in the scope of the “Cursinho Popular Quilombola – Córrego do Meio” (CPQ-CM), located at Córrego do Meio (Airões district, Zona da Mata region, MG). This experience started on 2015, based on the dialogue between the state’s “Articulação dos Cursinhos Populares da Zona da Mata” (ACP-ZM), Paula Cândido’s public power and the Córrego do Meio Quilombola Association. The work is based on a qualitative methodology, structured in a participative observation in the quilombola community at Córrego do Meio, and in semi-structured interviews. Hence, the field notebook and the content of narratives from interviews are the material used for analysis. To perform such proposal, 4 teachers and 4 female students that attended to CPQ-CM during 2015 and 2016 were interviewed. The teachers were selected based on their own teaching fields and the students were chosen from their applications forms and from the participative observation in the community. The choice of distinct thematic axes to perform this research was derived from the field and from the interviews. These are: the senses and meanings analyzed from trajectories, the importance of education and the involvement of subjects in University’s extension projects; as well dilemmas and displacements inferred from gender and racial issues, from the reflection based on action and from the relationship among these subjects with Viçosa’s municipality. In this sense, what we call crossing of subjects that collaborated in this experience is the center of our investigation, as well the own crossings of the experience: the reality of Viçosa’s microregion and the Federal University of Viçosa, the reality of the quilombola community of Córrego do Meio and the movement of popular courses, especially at Zona da Mata. In this sense, we go beyond the comprehension of the experience from subjects, to unveil the meanings of the experience to themselves.