dc.contributorMaria Jose Menezes Brito
dc.contributorFlavia Regina Souza Ramos
dc.contributorKely Cesar Martins de Paiva
dc.contributorClaudia Maria de Mattos Penna
dc.contributorHeloiza Maria Squeira Rennó
dc.creatorDanielle de Araujo Moreira
dc.description.abstractIn Brazil, the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing presents constant quantitative and qualitative growth. However, the current conformation of the programs, coupled with the requirements established by the development agencies, has had a negative impact on the work of teachers and students and contributed to experiences of suffering. On the other hand, there are organizational and relational aspects that are recognized as potentiators of pleasure. The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between pleasure and suffering in the work of teachers and students in the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing. This is a qualitative study, of the type integrated single case study, based on the Dejouriana psychodynamics. The study scenario was the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in brazilian Nursing. As subunits of analysis, two nursing undergraduate programs were intentionally selected: the Nursing Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Data were collected between May 2017 and April 2018, through interviews, guided by semi-structured script and documentary analysis. 21 teachers and 23 students participated in the study, totalizing 44 participants. The data were analyzed through Analysis of Thematic Content, proposed by Bardin, with the aid of Atlas.ti software 8. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of UFMG and UFSC, under CAAE / UFMG - 67149917.7. 0000.5149 and CAAE / UFSC-67149917.7.3002.0121. The analysis of the data made it possible to construct three categories, presented in an article format: "Pleasure and suffering of teachers in the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing", "Duality pleasure-suffering in Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing: between bridges and walls "and" Psychosocial risks and a healthy work environment in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation in Nursing ". In this study, the approach to the psychodynamics of the work of Dejours fomented the understanding of the pleasure-suffering duality experienced by teachers and students in the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in Nursing. The data revealed that the pleasure-suffering relationship in the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing suffers external and internal interferences to the programs and that the experiences of teachers and students are influenced by the organization of work and interpersonal relations. The research also revealed the need for institutions to implement spaces for listening to teachers and students and the importance of discussions on the subject matter. It is noteworthy that the theme raises new studies, especially in the Brazilian context, to further deepen the pleasure-suffering duality in the Post-Graduation stricto sensu in nursing.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEstresse Psicológico
dc.subjectEducação de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
dc.titlePrazer e sofrimento de docentes e discentes na Pós-Graduação stricto sensu em Enfermagem
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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