dc.contributorGisele Lobo Pappa
dc.creatorFabricio Batista de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this work is to present studies and applications based on the theory of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA). This approach has proved very efficient for solving computational problems in the world. This technique has achieved considerable success in many areas of computing. In this project, using this approach will be taken to analyze the results of studies directed towards solving problems related to the discipline of software testing. The feature of the approach of EAs who try to imitate nature in the sense of how it fits in certain situations to solve its problems is ideal for solving computational problems of high difficulty level of resolution. Throughout his work, some definitions are made on some variations of EAs; Because EAs are used in academic environment and the business scenario, the expectations for improvement and dissemination of its use. An example of using EAs in the market for software development is given at the end of the text in the description of the work of an organization creates a framework for creating scenarios for testing.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectProgramação genética
dc.subjectTeoria da evolução das espécies
dc.subjectAlgoritmos evolucionários
dc.subjectTeste evolucionário
dc.titleAplicações de algoritmos evolucionários em engenharia de software
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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