dc.contributorIvana Duval de Araujo
dc.contributorLydia Masako Ferreira
dc.contributorAlcino Lazaro da Silva
dc.contributorArmando Chiari Filho
dc.creatorIan Goedert Leite Duarte
dc.description.abstractInfected wounds require a longer tissue repair period, being subject to a greater incidence of complications and more interventionist and onerous treatments, which many times alienate the patient from the therapeutics and from social activities. The use of rehydrated amniotic membrane, after its being preserved in glycerine 98% and cornea preserving solution, has been studied in 15 rabbits subjected previously to the induction of wounds located on their backs, histologically evaluating the scarring in its phases of inflammation, granulation, epithelialization and fibroplasia. The animals were divided into 3 groups for histological study at the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after wound induction. Group A didnt receive anytreatment, being exposed and dry. Group B was treated, exposed daily with collagenase, and Group C received amniotic membrane only once, at the 7th day, also remaining exposed. In the inflammation phase there occurred an accentuated reduction of the response in Group C at the 21st day, and in the granulation phase there was an increase of this process at the 14th day. Epithelialization occurred in a similar mode in the 3 groups, and fibroplasia with fibrosis of young cells was more accentuated in Group C at the 14th day, when the organization of thecollagen began progressively as with the animals in Group B (collagenase). The conclusion is that the amniotic membrane, compared with the dry curative and with the collagenase, didnt significantly alter the phases of inflammation, epithelialization, and fibroplasia, but it increased angiogenesis until the 14th day.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCicatrização de feridas
dc.subjectMembrana amniótica
dc.titleMembrana amniótica como curativo biológico na cicatrizaçãode feridas infectadas: estudo experimental em coelhos
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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