| Monografias de Especialização
Elementos obrigatórios do ciclo 2013-2016 da ginástica aeróbica esportiva
Renata Gomes Miranda e Castor
In the 1980s, aerobic gymnastics started in the United States. In its begging, the sport didnt have a code of points for competitions, but in 1994, aerobic gymnastic was officially recognized as a discipline of sports by the FIG at a conference in Genebra. However, the sport is not as of yet an Olympic sport. Aerobic gymnastics is measured on the ability to perform continuous and complete movement patterns, which are high intensity and with musical accompaniment. The Aerobic Gymnastics World Champions hip currently consists of 7events: Single Female, Single Male, Mixed Double, Trio, group of 5 gymnasts, Aerobic Dance and Aerobic Step with 8 competitors.The Aerobic Gymnastic routine must demonstrate continuous movements, flexibility, strength, balance and the use of 7 basic aerobic steps, perfectly executed and judged on elements of difficulty. To create a routine it is important to acknowledge all of the rules, the required difficulties, and the most common mistakes committed by the athletes during the performances. Keeping this in mind, this work was elaborated to assist coaches and teachers with this athletic discipline, while describing the kinesiology of the elements, presenting the pedagogic process and identifying the most common mistakes committed during the performances. This work is an upgrade of CadernoTécnico I de Ginástica Aeróbica Esportiva, 2011, which brings new required elements and new rules to the 2013-2016 period of this discipline.