dc.contributorJorge Gustavo Velasquez Melendez
dc.contributorAdriana Lúcia Meireles
dc.creatorPaula Alves dos Santos
dc.description.abstractConsidering that the neonatal mortality is a very important index of the standard of care to prenatal and newborn, this issue aims to identify the main causes of the neonatal death from 0 to 27 days in the micro-region of Lavras in the year of 2009, in order to verify and analyze the identified index with the intent to promote a best quality care to the pregnant and to the newborn. The death of 21 neonatal of children were classified and identified using avoidable causes of mortality according with the SEADE Fundation and Wigglesworth´s prevent criteria. The neonatal mortality rate was 10,27/1000 live births. More than middle (57%) of the deaths occurred in the first week. According to the criteria uses to classified, 15 deaths in 21 (71%) were considered avoidable through adequate care during pregnancy. Its worrying the fact that the neonatal mortality still happen in development countries, with available technology and resources to ensure quality care. The death cases were classified. Considering this approach, the death was related to specific care criteria, being highlighted the possibilities of its prevention. The focus for the prevention approach of the neonatal mortality in Brazil, is justified because of the high rates of mortality, the most of the deaths are considered avoided and could be prevent with improvement of the care to pre-natal and to parturition, not just talking in clinical solvability, but talking about prevention and health promotion, health system organization, pregnant and newborn access to the health care.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCausa da morte
dc.subjectÓbito neonatal
dc.subjectPrincipais causas
dc.titleCausas de óbitos neonatais na microrregião de Lavras Minas Gerais, 2009
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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