Dissertação de Mestrado
O financiamento do desenvolvimento territorial: uma análise do PROINF nos territórios da cidadania do Alto e Médio Jequitinhonha em Minas Gerais entre 2003/2015
Andreia Maria Assunção Batista
This dissertation analyzes the direction of the public investments in the scope of Citizenship Territories provided by the Territorial Policy implemented in Brazil in the year 2003. Through this policy that prioritized infrastructure projects aimed at family agriculture, it was necessary to create Territorial Colleges where The management of public resources was debated in a decentralized manner, requiring broad participation of civil society and local public power. After the implementation of the projects, it was thus to another level of management of the projects, that is, the social management of infrastructure projects. This study starts with a discussion of fundamental concepts on territorial development, a brief history of public policies for family farming, and a quantitative and comparative analysis of PROINF's investments in the territories under study, always supported by a A case study of 6 infrastructure projects implemented in the Territories surveyed, through which it was possible to conclude that the government proposal has the conditions to generate rural development with the collective participation and social management of the projects. infrastructure. However, it was verified that both the territorial policy and the management of resources and projects require a set of changes to improve, especially with regard to the social management of these projects.