Monografias de Especialização
Diferenças biomecânicas dos membros inferiores entre os gêneros masculinos e femininos
Fabrício André Figueiredo da Silva
During the sports practice the individuals are subjected to injury. Regarding the gender gap some studies have shown a higher incidence of injuries in female subjects. One should pay attention to the "Female Athlete Triad" as a major risk factor for injury. This study has purpose to describe the differences and alterations present in the women kind. To this was collected from scientific articles in the Medline database. One of the main structural differences pointed out is the increased Q angle, more common in females. There is a considerable increase in the Q angle measurement in females compared to males. The increased range of internal rotation of the hip joint during the walking and running is also a widely reported change. The injuries of the knee joint are most common among female athletes and may be related to the presence of this joint valgus. In assessing the differences biomechanicals between genders during drop-jump, in a population of professional dancers, there were no statistically significant differences between the sexes. Among the structural and biomechanical changes of the female kind some are worth mentioning: the increased Q angle, increased internal rotation of the hip, lower torque of the abductor muscles and hip external rotators and a greater tendency to dynamic knee valgus. These factors make it extremely important to the evaluation procedure of evaluation of individual, in order to identify all possible biomechanical changes that in turn may predispose the athlete to musculoskeletal injury.