Da mesa ao mundo: o espaço na poesia de Ana Martins Marques e Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Clarissa Xavier Pereira
This dissertation dwells on themes related to space in the poetic works of Ana Martins Marques and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. A selection of the most recurring spatial themes in both oeuvres was made through a comparative study. They are: the house, the garden, the sea, the cities and the traveling. The research that led to these themes paid attention to certain literary affiliations and the path each poet follows while dialoguing with the work of other authors. The chosen themes allow for the poems to be associated with a poetic tradition that both Sophia Andresen and Ana Martins — born in different times and countries — recover and update, opening up new paths on it. More than anything, the study of space is understood here as an investigation about the construction of seeing in poetry. The act of seeing, which registers as well as creates, in the sphere of language, places then elevated to literary topics, is what allows for the experience of occupation of the world of the poem.