Ensino de arte na educação de jovens, adultos e idosos: um estudo sobre a atuação docente no trabalho com as relações étnico-raciais
Adriana Santana da Silva
The research aims to analyse the central education strategies adopted by a professor referent to the ethno-racial theme, in Art lessons that happened in Young and Adults Education (portuguese acronym EJA). Initially it was made a exploratory research looking for schools that would offer the teaching modality and the teacher with Visual Arts grade and that would approach the ethno-racial relations in the classroom. The search was made through contacts with Art teachears, and Municipal and State Education Secretary staff. After this previous data collection, the research was fulfilled in municipal school in Belo Horizonte that offers the Young and Adults Education to last years of elementary school and high school. The central question that motivated the accomplishment of this research was try to understand the what the way that the Ethno-Racial Relations Education has been approached in Art education on EJA. Expecting to understand better this problem was adopted a methodological proceeding of qualitative research getting closer to using research-action, considering that there was the possibility of interfere on scholar reality observed. In this case, the participatory observation was part of the research procedure adopted aiming to interact to the subjects, to collect data about the ethno-racial relations approach on lessons and to perceive the use of didactic resources used to this purpose. Furthermore, an interview was done semi-structured with the participant teacher. The analysis results indicates the necessity of invest on initial and permanent education of Art teachers combined to the Ethno-Racial Relations Education. The results revealed the possibilities and potential strategies of teaching to be realized with young people, adults and elderlys, in the ethno-racial field. Mainly, thinking the subjectivities and the cultural aspects ethno-racial diversified brought by the people inserted in this teaching modality. By being a Professional Master’s Degree, it was created a digital educative material that contemplates in its content, artistics references to the work with the african and afrobrazilian culture theme on teaching Art specifically to educators that works on EJA.