Monografia (especialização)
Unidade didática para o ensino de Inglês: Learning English in a more critical way
Jaqueline Silva Miranda
Learning English in a more critical way was produced with the aim of creating daily situations in order to make students communicate through dynamic and authentic materials and also have the opportunity to be part of different patterns of interaction in order to promote a more authentic learning, using the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. Learning English in a more critical way was designed to be used in language institutes, with Elementary and Upper-Intermediate students. The students are encouraged to think critically and apply their learning in their real lives whenever it is possible. The units “Technology: what has changed?” and “Consumerism: a general habit? contain a Let’s get started! section, a reading section, a listening section, a speaking section, an Eyes on language! section and a writing section. The vocabulary is inserted in the reading and listening sections in order to be connected to the previous discussions. The grammar part (active and passive voices) can be a challenge for students and the vocabulary can be a little bit difficult for this level, however, both activities can be an opportunity to make students more autonomous and search for some extra information if necessary.