Monografia (especialização)
Análise de publicações sobre o uso de Stryphnodendron Adstringens (barbatimão) para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas
Ana Luiza Gomes Silva
Stryphnodendron adstringens, is a small tree abundantly distributed throughout the
central cerrado of Brazil, which is commonly known as "barbatimão". Barbatimão stem
bark infusions are used as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent, as well as in the
treatment of leukorrhea, diarrhea, and wound healing. This study aims to analyze the
publications on topical barbatimão healing of skin lesions during the period from 1980
to 2015. It is a study of integrative literature review. There were searches of electronic
databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS); Medical
Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE); Cumulative Index to
Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Library and Scientific
Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Sixty-three articles were identified and of these,
five were sampled for analysis. The study called E1 was descriptive, E2 and E5
randomized uncontrolled and E3 and E4 randomized controlled. The following studies
time ranged from 5 days to 26 weeks and the treatment of injuries was used in the
pharmaceutical barbatimão presentations ointment (E1, E2, E3), decoction (E4) and
gel (E5). In the five articles in question barbatimão concentration varied from 1% to
10%. The studies in the sample had limitations. It was concluded that methodological
weaknesses shown by studies in the sample of this work made it impossible to
establish recommendations for the safe use of barbatimão in the treatment of
cutaneous lesions in humans and their respective level of evidence.