Dissertação de Mestrado
Análise do ciclo de vida na construção civil: um estudo comparativo entre vedações estruturais em painéis pré-moldados e alvenaria em blocos de concreto
Felipe Henrique Azevedo Campos
Sustainability and sustainable development are two emerging concepts and compelling application for the global society. The hegemonic model of development produced consumer goods and services on a large scale, meeting the demands that were being imposed in the course of time, however, concomitantly increased levels of CO2 and generated greenhouse gases. For ignore almost always the environmental factor, production processes resulted in changes in the environment and climate as to the quality of life on Earth be threatened. The construction industry accounts for much of the CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Faced with the emergence of the environmental crisis, is required to adapt its processes to this new paradigm. The Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in this industry, theme of thisresearch, is today indispensable tool to tackle the problem and reconcile growth and sustainability. Based on LCA and using Umberto software, is performed a comparative analysis between two constructive solutions for residential buildings, walls of concrete block and precast panels of concrete, in order to determine which of the two systems are moreenvironmentally friendly. It is concluded that the software is suitable for both panels and that the precast panels of concrete considered for this research cant help to mitigate the negative effects of materials and construction processes on the environment.