Coordenação gerencial de empreendimentos habitacionais de impacto : estudo de casos
Adilson Assis Cruz Júnior
The present work presents the mapping of the flow of activities in the strategic
coordination, definition and the development of products in real estate projects that
impact the initial stages of the project. These stages, according to a number of
authors and researchers, are decisive for the success of real estate developments,
in all its dimensions. This is due to the fact that they reside as decisions of greater
impact with regard to attendance the required requirements for their project,
technical and financial viability, as well as their performance. Impact ventures are
considered in this work as those that, due to their scale, generate significant
repercussions on the environmental and urban environment. These require a high
capital investment in their feasibility and for this reason they are basically proposed
by medium and large companies that use competitive strategies based mainly on
operational excellence or cost leadership. To fulfill this task, case studies were
conducted, based on a broad literature review on subjects that cover these issues
already announced, in three companies that promote this type of enterprise. These
studies resulted in the finding that some companies pay close attention to the choice
of land to open their projects, as well as an analysis of the environmental and urban
legislation they focus on, meaninglessly defining their constructive potential and
impact of mitigating and compensatory measures on the financial viability of the
enterprise. The study also identified there are part of companies are making an effort
to promote the integration of their processes, but this attempt ends up preventing
interactions from being initiated with a design method adopted by the same
sequences be executed compliance with BIM technology available on the market.