Monografia (especialização)
A importância da prótese provisória para a estética nas restaurações sobre implantes
Rodrigo Costa Pereira
Esthetic zone implant supported prosthesis are often a big challenge for dentistry
professionals. During the case planning, many factors influence ideal esthetic goal.
The use of provisional restorations is undoubtedly an important part of the treatment.
Many provisional prosthesis can be used after teeth losses. Therefore, a review of
literature was made enumerating vantages, disadvantages and indications. The
essential parameters in order to reach final esthetics were discussed.
The conclusion was that many determinant criteria are essential for correct selection
of the provisional prosthesis including the esthetic potential, patient comfort,
treatment duration, laboratorial costs, occlusion, removal ease, durability and altering
simplicity. Provisional restorations are of primal importance to reach esthetics in
anterior maxilla. Provisional implant restorations individualize soft tissue healing being
a simple and predictable way to reach smooth, natural and esthetic tissue contour.
Immediate fixed provisional prosthesis offers better patient comfort, function,
premature esthetic gain and tissue healing guidance.