Monografia (especialização)
Cinemática do salto e aterrisagem, força muscular e flexibilidade de atletas com tendinopatia patelar e fatores para sobrecarga em tendão patelar: revisão narrativa da literatura
Bianca Rezende Trindade Silva
Introduction: Patellar tendinopathy is an injury caused by excessive overload in the patellar tendon through repetitive loads that increase the demand of the quadriceps muscle in activities that store and release energy in the patellar tendon, such as jumps and changes of direction, being one of the causes knee pain in athletes. Objective: Perform a review of the literature to verify the possible relationship between jumping and landing kinematics of jumpers with PT, investigate the factors associated with patellar tendon overload and to evaluate if there is alteration in muscle strength and flexibility in athletes with PT. Methodology: This is a narrative review of the literature in which the searches conducted between June and October 2018 were conducted in the following databases: Medline, Lilacs, Bireme, Scielo and PEDro. Included in the review were 13 articles that met the inclusion criteria and presented the relationship between patellar tendonopathy of volleyball players and basketball with jumping and / or landing, muscular strength and flexibility of these athletes, risk factors for the development of PT and / or factors associated with patellar tendon overload. Results: Previous PT athletes landed with the knee stiffer than those of the control group, generating a greater overload in the knee extensor mechanism; presented a reduction in the range of motion of ankle dorsiflexion, a larger total training volume and a number of sets played in matches, and their incidence was higher in men than in women. Flexibility of the iliotibial band, forefoot alignment, and Arno angle were associated with abnormalities of the patellar tendon, and athletes with these characteristics (reduction of iliotibial band flexibility or forefoot leg alignment above the cutting point) chance of having patellar tendon abnormalities. The normalized isometric force of the abductors and external rotators of the hip was significantly lower in the PT group. Conclusion: Incidence of patellar tendinopathy is greater in men than in women. Athletes with PT present reduced ankle dorsiflexion amplitude and a higher number of previous sprains, also presented a stiffer jump landing with consequent patellar tendon overload. In addition, they presented a significant reduction of the isometric force of hip abductors and external rotators and of the torque of the hip extensors and reduced hamstring flexibility.