Dissertação de Mestrado
O uso do planejamento ambiental como estratégia para elaboração de plano de intervenção em micro-bacias hidrográficas: estudo de caso : micro-bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Fazenda - Município de Sao Brás do Suaçuí/MG
Maria Claret de Souza Carvalho
The growing demand for water resources, simultaneously with the lack of policies and proficient management devices, has deteriorated the environment problematic and motivated conflicts among users of many regions. The present management model, proposed by FederalLaw 9.433/97, as well as State Law 13.199/99, strengthen its decentralized and cooperative quality that should be given to the management, according to the actions recommended byAgenda 21. Such decentralization requires a set of instruments that should be provided to the to the municipal governments so that they can make, establish and scrutinize plans that are, socially and economically speaking, compatible with the communitys priority. In order to do that, these plans must have the public involvement, as well as the local communities, in the many stages of the process. Concurrently, it has to create conditions that provide integration of the management of water resources to the physical, biotic, socio-economic and demographic diversities of the region, as well as allowing the articulation between themanagement of water resources and the use of land. Considering this, this case study proposes the making of a plan of environmental intervention in the micro hydrographic base of the area, pointing to possible threats to the success of the plan, and the possible management devices to be employed.