dc.contributorLuiz Antonio Cruz Souza
dc.contributorMarcia Almada
dc.contributorJoao Cura D Ars de Figueiredo Junior
dc.creatorMarina Furtado Goncalves
dc.description.abstractThe twin illuminated manuscripts titled Livro de Compromisso da Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento da Freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Pilar das Congonhas de Sabará, in the custody of the Arquivo Público Mineiro, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and the Livro de Compromisso da Irmandade de São Gonçalo, da Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila, in the custody of the Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, in Lisbon, Portugal, are both dated in 1725 and made by the calligrapher/painter of Villa Rica. Aiming to reflect on techniques, materials and types of deterioration of paper, it is carried out a comparative analysis between the two illuminated manuscripts of the eighteen century with the same origin, but with different history of use and storing. Formal analysis of the objects, the historical research of the use of books and their storing over the years, the scientific documentation imaging, the organoleptic tests as well as other physical-chemical analysis, such as spectroscopy, dispersion and stratigraphic cuts were proceeded. The books support is rag paper, written with an iron-based ink, but it was not characterized as iron gall ink. The palette of the calligrapher/painter consists of bonded pigments in gum arabic, such as: realgar, gamboge, orpiment, blue verditer, carbon black, copper resinate and vermilion, as well as one carminic acid lacquer and other made by brazil-wood. There are also applications of metallic materials, like gold, silver and brass, adorning capital letters, chapter titles, details of the borders and vignettes. This is the first research that documents the use of brass in illuminated manuscripts of the eighteenth century, and the areas that received this material have greater difference regarding the conservation status of the manuscripts.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAplicação de latão
dc.subjectAnálises físico-químicas
dc.subjectCalígrafo/pintor de Vila Rica
dc.subjectManuscritos iluminados
dc.subjectTécnicas e materiais
dc.titleSeparados no nascimento: estudo de técnicas, materiais e estado de conservação de dois manuscritos iluminados do século XVIII
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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