dc.contributorJorge Alexandre Barbosa Neves
dc.contributorDaniele Oliveira Xavier
dc.contributorEliane Apolinário Vieira Avelar
dc.creatorFlávia Leal Ramos
dc.description.abstractThe present article presents an analysis of the control actions that can be implemented by the correctional units of the organs and entities of the Executive Power of Minas Gerais, considering, above all, the mission of preventing, deterring and repressing administrative illicit acts. We observe that control actions are commonly related to the Audit function, and there are no regulations that specifically address the actions related to the Correctional function, although the two functions also integrate the Internal Control System. Descriptive quantitative research was used, applying a structured questionnaire to the servers that work in the corrections department, administrative correction centers and internal control units. The results point out the main criteria used in the choice of control actions, the corrective area procedures that should be considered as control, the issues that hamper the development of these procedures, the possible effects of control actions on corrective activities and public management , and those responsible for carrying out such actions within the framework of the correctional units. In particular, we have seen that the control actions related to the corrective function relate to the monitoring of activities, risk mitigation, control of legality, promotion of good administrative practices, preservation of the public interest, effectiveness of administrative activity, the orientation of public agents and the prevention of inefficient or uneconomical errors, infractions and practices. The control that aims to guarantee, with reasonable security, the economy, efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness of the public service, brings innumerable benefits to public management.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Gestão Pública
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAções de controle
dc.subjectCorreição administrativa
dc.subjectGestão pública
dc.titleAções de controle promovidas pelas unidades correicionais dos órgãos e entidades do poder executivo de Minas Gerais: importância, alcance e benefícios para a gestão pública
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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