dc.contributorElizabeth Maria Bastos Lages
dc.contributorLeonardo Foresti Soares de Menezes
dc.contributorMarcelo de Araújo Lombardi
dc.creatorMarcela Silva Araujo Martins
dc.description.abstractA treatment option for Angle Class II malocclusion is the distal movement of the upper molars, which can be obtained by using different strategies. The Carrière Distalizer is a recent alternative to correct this type of malocclusion and has achieved good results through the block distalization in the upper posterior segment, with three-dimensional control of tooth movement. This appliance features a modern design and can be used either in cases of unilateral and bilateral Class II. This study aimed to make a literature review about the Carrière Distalizer and present the case of a 14 years old patient with a Class II division 2 malocclusion, which was treated with the bilateral use of this device and lower anchoring with Nance lingual arch. The Class II correction occurred in four months and subsequently was installed upper and lower total fixed appliance for the alignment, leveling and finish the case. Side effects like mesial movement and extrusion of molars and buccal tipping of the incisors were observed in the lower arch. The Carrière Distalizer is an effective and easily applicable option for the treatment of Class II malocclusions.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectaparelhos ortodônticos
dc.subjectMá oclusão de Angle classe II
dc.titleUtilização do distalizador Carrière na correção da moloclusão de Classe II
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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