Monografias de Especialização
A importância da inserção da Equipe de Saúde Bucal em uma Equipe de PSF em Corinto
Marcelino Moreira da Silva
The importance of implementation of FHS (GGE) in the Family Health Program (PSF) model represents a possibility of change in model of care. The oral health care models implemented previously failed to give a satisfactory answer to the needs of the population. This work we sought to analyze the deployment profile and performance of ESB in the PSF, identifying administrative and operational aspects of these teams. The methodology used was a literature review. We consulted the databases LILACS, BBO, Scielo. We found 10 articles, 13 books, five Theses, a monograph that were selected after reading the abstracts. This work will assist in the implementation of ESB in the city of Corinth who only recently deployed two teams.