Monografias de Especialização
A identificação de metadados de assunto para a legislação federal brasileira: o caso do sistema Legin Web da câmara dos deputados
Elaine Aparecida de Lima
It highlights aspects that should be considered in identifying granular subject metadata to Brazilian federal law. The object of study was the Sistema de Legislação Informatizada (Legin Web) available on the website of the Câmara dos Deputados. Specific objectives were to: identify types of subjects widely used in indexing the Brazilian federal law and aspects of the context of information search that interfering with identifying subject metadata; analyze possibilities of subject metadata to federal legislation based on metadata standards and models of information organization addressed in the literature, and, therefore, propose subject metadata to Brazilian federal law. The idea is to use this metadata to reduce the imprecision of the results of research in the federal legislation, making the process faster and more efficient. Thestudy consisted of descriptive research, case study and used triangulation. The method involved lifting techniques for measuring patterns of repetition of types of subjects of Brazilian federal law and questionnaire to define types of research by subject recurring in legislation. Quantitative data used two sources: the field of indexing and Legin report provided by the Centro de Informática (Cenin) of the Câmara on types of research conducted by both internal and external users of the Portal Câmara. It used technical and scientific literature on metadata, metadata standards, metadata subject, quality and methodology of creating metadata and thematic characteristics of the Brazilian federal law. The results consisted of the aspects to be considered in identifyingmetadata subject, which corresponded, briefly, to the study by a multidisciplinary team of metadata standards and features, rules and controls assigned to the subject metadata, thematic structuring features of the legislation, prioritization of value data as the user community and related technologies for structuring metadata Also were highlighted some metadata, like rules, forms and controls assigned to use them, based on the decomposition of the structure and content of Brazilian federal law.