dc.contributorClaudia Venturini
dc.creatorRubens Gabriel Calazans Resende Junior
dc.description.abstractInjuries of the ankle joint are considered the most common in collective sports and have recurrence in 80% of cases. The literature is controversial as to the effect of conservative treatment of these diseases, and most cases develop symptoms later, generating functional instability of the ankle. Some articles show that the reduce in joint proprioception as well as in the response time after the muscle stretch reflex and the loss of joint feedforward mechanism interferes in the functionality of the ankle. From this context, the objective of this study was to critically review the literature on the effect of proprioceptive training in the prevention of chronic ankle instability. The bibliographic search was done in Medline / PubMed, SciELO, Lilacs, and Bireme and references of selected articles. The result of the study indicated initially 92 articles. The articles selected according to the outcome of interest resulted in a sample of 11 items, consisting of 10 randomized clinical trials and one case study. In general, there is no consensus in the literature regarding to the protocols of proprioceptive training used in these studies. The Studies results demonstrated an improvement in proprioception after treatment, however great methodological variability was observed, making it difficult to compare the findings of the studies
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTreinamento proprioceptivo
dc.subjectEntorse de tornozelo
dc.titleEfeito do treino proprioceptivo na prevenção da instabilidade crônica do tornozelo: uma revisão de literatura
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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