dc.contributorMarcelo Bronzo Ladeira
dc.contributorMarcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira
dc.contributorNoel Torres Junior
dc.contributorAlexandre Teixeira Dias
dc.creatorLetícia Ramos Carvalho
dc.description.abstractThis work is central to investigate the effects of the development of relationships with critical suppliers on resiliêcia in procurement processes. In particular, this research aimed to quantitatively describe the associations between the quality of relationships and resilience capabilities in supply processes between contractor and its strategic supplier base. The theme of resilience is presented today as a relevant and growing reputation both in academia and in business. The main focus of the concept of resilience sheds light is the resilience of an organization or process after unwanted events, assuming that such events can occur unexpectedly and generate great impact, including overcoming organizational boundaries. The research, descriptive and conclusive character, it hurts outlined based on a quantitative approach of the survey type. The observations were taken from the perspective of organizations in client roles in a sample of companies in the industrial and service sectors, with headquarters and operations in the state of Espírito Santo, and diverse in terms of size and economic reporting segment. OS data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate modeling of structural equations, in order to test the paths and identify quality indicators - partial least squares algorithm (partial least squares or PLS-SEM). The survey findings show that companies can achieve superior results of relationship quality with their critical suppliers. The empirical results demonstrate the need to enfocarem quality relationships with strategic suppliers developments in organizational practice, given the potential impactarema resilience of the procurement process. It is another possible benefit of the management of supplier relationships, which should be featured on management training, especially those professionals who have direct contact with suppliers, such as purchasing and logistics. This work has advanced to organize recent scientific knowledge on these issues, which thus become more accessible to Brazilian managers. Also the theoretical framework about the research model builders is an unpublished work in Portuguese language, which is available for future conceptual developments.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectResiliência em processos de suprimento
dc.subjectQualidade de relacionamento com fornecedores
dc.subjectModelagem de equações estruturais
dc.subjectGestão de riscos em cadeias de suprimentos
dc.titleQualidade de relacionamento com fornecedores e resiliência em processos de suprimento
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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