Monografia (especialização)
Intervenção educativa para prevenção da gravidez não planejada e gravidez na adolescência na Unidade Básica de Saúde Doutor Homero José dos Santos, no Município de Bonfim, Minas Gerais
Sofia Ferreira e Nogueira
The problems associated with an unplanned pregnancy are relevant issues in a society increasingly concerned with organizing its time and determining its priorities. The disorders brought with a teenage pregnancy are even greater, since the precocity of the sexual life is not accompanied by psychological and personal maturation. During the prenatal consultations at the Dr. Homero José dos Santos Health Unit, the high number of pregnant adolescents as well as unwanted pregnancies in adulthood were observed, being common in these cases the contraceptive failures and inadequate knowledge to prevent pregnancy. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop an educational intervention aimed at preventing unplanned pregnancy and teenage pregnancy. Because of this, an action plan was created focused on this issue, seeking to promote more effective transmission of information to users. After defining the problem and identifying the causes, an action plan was drawn up focusing on the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and adolescent pregnancies, seeking the training of primary health teams in order to promote a more effective information transmission to the population. It is hoped that the intervention actions will make adolescents aware of safe sex and women for the planning of the family, in its entirety, mobilizing them for the shared commitment with their partners.