Optimizing response time in large scale similarity searches
Rafael Martins de Souza
Similarity search is a core operation found in several online multimedia services. These
services have to handle very large databases, while, at the same time, they must min imize the query response times observed by users. This is especially complex because
those services deal with fluctuating query workloads (rates). Consequently, they must
adapt at run-time to minimize the response times as the load varies. In this dissertation,
we address the aforementioned challenges with a distributed memory parallelization of
the product quantization nearest neighbor search, also known as IVFADC, for hybrid
CPU-GPU machines. Our parallel IVFADC also implements an out-of-core scheme
to use the GPU for databases in which the index does not fit in its memory, which
is crucial for searching in very large databases. The careful use of CPU and GPU
with work-stealing led to an average reduction of the response time of 1.6× as com pared to using the GPU only. Also, our approach to adapt the system to fluctuating
loads, called Dynamic Query Processing Policy (DQPP), attained an average response
time reduction of 7× vs. the greedy policy. Finally, in all settings, the system has
been shown to attain high query processing rates and near-linear scalability. We have
executed our system in an environment with up to 256 NVIDIA V100 GPUs and a
database of 256 billion SIFT features vectors