Dissertação de Mestrado
Encontros e desencontros no processo de socialização organizacional: um estudo de caso com profissionais contratados por meio de programas de trainees
Maria Cecilia Lemos Gontijo
The study proposal of this work arises from the evidence about the way companies have been dealing with their human factors, mainly in the matter of the organizational socialization process of the new members in the beginning of their professional career, what means, in the specific case of this research, of the professionals denominated trainees. Taking into consideration this perspective, it seems to be clear that the trainee programs may be characterized as initial processes of organizational socialization, bringing to the scope the concerns of attraction, formation, development and retention of new workers, aiming always to attain a greater identification of the newcomer with the organizational culture. In this context, the main objective is the accomplishment of an analysis about the organizational socialization process of a group of young professionals, contracted by means of a trainee program in an organization of national prominence. Such analysis contemplated the main events that occurred before the ingress of the trainees into the organization, until a period after their positioning in their new job stations. Aiming to accomplish this purpose, a case study was conducted, by using semi-structured interviews as data collection instrument, and for the data handling, a qualitative approach. During the newcomer trajectory in the organization, it was sought to evidence the nuances and ambiguities of this route, as well as the creation of mutual expectations, which later were reflected in reality shocks. With respect to the moment experienced before the ingress of the newcomer into the organization, when he passes through the recruiting and selection process, it was evidenced that the trainee programs have actually their beginning in this phase and that this moment represents also the beginning of the organizational socialization process of the young professionals. At that moment, it was evidenced for some ones an image of enchantment for the organization which was consequence of the shifting from the nothing to the everything, the fact of having being, in principle, the chosen one. It was also evident that, along the route, it emerged from the newcomers the feeling of exchange or debt to the organization and which later reverted in total dedication to the job. So, it became clear that several ex-trainees had the necessity to prove permanently their value to the organization, to justify the hopes trusted on them. In the initiation to the job and to the working group, it was evidenced that some newcomers felt anxious in dominating faster and faster the new job for finally to demonstrate, not only for themselves, but also for all the team, that they could be competent and accepted. What is verified is that the ex-trainees looked for recognition and approbation, aiming to diminish the natural anxieties of the process, as well as the fear of exclusion and consequent fear of failure. It was also clear that those subjects were, gradually, better understanding their responsibilities and duties, as well as the expected behavior inside the organization. As they are inserted in the new working environment, these professionals seem to have understood and adopted more and more the values and behaviors that the company estimates the most. Finally, it is observed that even presenting some shocks and difficulties, the proposal of the trainee program seems to be an adequate response to the context experienced by the company, and the socialization process of the young professionals who passed thereby is full of events that are all interlinked. The socialization is so, a complex chain of meanings, symbolisms andtransition rituals, and can be influenced by other dimensions that trespass the company itself. All that comes to demonstrate not only that the socialization is a complex process that can be seen in a wider way, but also that the human resources management in the company must embrace other analysis dimensions.