Tese de Doutorado
Programas Brasil Alfabetizado e Encuentro: princípios teóricos metodológicos para alfabetização de jovens e adultos, Brasil e Argentina
Silvana Oliveira Biondi
This research presents a socio-historical Comparative Study of the government proposal for the literacy of young people and adults in Brazil and Argentina, trying to describe and analyze the theoretical methodological basis on which these proposals are based and the didactic material used by it. In order to base the study, we refer to authors, such as Soares (2002), Nóvoa (2009), Saforcada (2011), Di Pierro (2008, 2010), Soares (1998,2004,2016), Vóvio e Mansutti (2007), Morais (2010), among others, in order to recognize and deepen the questions raised by the educational policies of adult literacy and by the didactic materials, seeking to go beyond the simple construction of descriptive research. Having as object of study the didactic materials utilized in the implemented national programs of literacy for the modality of the education of young people and adult, we initially investigated the official discourse present in educational policies from the period 2000 to the present day in an attempt to understand in these two geographical contexts how were legislated the strategies for educational intervention that resulted in the proposals of the Programs Brasil Alfabetizado, in Brazil, and Encuentro, in Argentina. Therefore, we comparatively analyzed what these laws reveal as an epistemic basis for the teaching of reading and writing, through the conceptions and purposes presented for literacy. About the Programs, we focused on the pedagogical and curricular delineation through the analysis of didactic material of pedagogical support used in two specific localities, the city of Jequié/BA, in Brazil, and Córdoba, from Argentina. Starting from a longitudinal reconstruction, from the description and interpretation of the official discourse of the Brazilian and Argentine governments in their policies and regulations for adult literacy, it was possible to identify similarities and specificities of how each country legislated and operationalized its pedagogical action, under the influence of a transnational regulation. At the same time, the teaching materials were able to reveal, from a priority scale of aspects of the learning of the writing, a different organizational base that signals to different capacities as to the objectives intended for the initial literacy.In this way, the results indicate that the paths traveled by Brazil and Argentina have a convergence point in the direction given by the international policy of (re)configuration of an economic order, and distance themselves in certain points of the implementation of literacy policy, as well as the developments that affect the data of the current reality