dc.contributorJandira Maciel da Silva
dc.contributorEulita Maria Barcelos
dc.creatorRaquel Souza Mendes de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The Home Care Program (DAP) is responsible for providing health care at home, users of SUS / Belo Horizonte, which require care of intermediate complexity. In recent years, home care is present in the formulation of public policies on health and social care, in management and other practices in health services. This process of implementation of the tension in the home is built with difficulties, especially for the input mechanisms, continuity after discharge from home care. Objective: Discuss the process of labor between PAD, PSF, UPA-CS and hospitals. Methods: This is an experience report of the Home Care Program of the Center-South region of Belo Horizonte. We analyzed three situations, the text calls for points of tension, which were found within the Home Care Program of the Center-South region and allow the analysis of the practice work processes. Results and discussion: The working strategy of the DAP is in attendance by catchment area, following the district divisions. To enter into the program, the patient must have aged 16 years residing in the city of Belo Horizonte, fixed caregiver, family consent and a final diagnosis. Despite the advances made in workflows, much is still to be agreed. There is an inadequacy of the work process that generates the disorganization of the production of care, beyond burnout among professionals. To see these critical nodes in South-Central PAD (PAD-CS) were identified points of tension. The establishment of shared responsibilities between different levels of the network of health care SUS becomes essential to ensure continuity of care and meet some needs of vulnerable groups. Share responsibilities, teams, equipment and, above all, knowledge can be a constitutive element of cuidados. Conclusions Lines: the implementation of home care as an innovative strategy requires consideration of health concepts that underpin the organization of practices at home. It is necessary to consider factors such as the comprehensiveness of care, humanization, economic and financial rationality, the subjects of care and coordination with other health services.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAssistência à Saúde
dc.subjectAssistência Integral a Saúde
dc.subjectAtenção Primária a Saúde e Programa de Atenção Domiciliar
dc.titleOs processos de trabalho do Programa de Atenção Domiciliar (PAD) da Região Centro Sul em Belo Horizonte
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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