Monografias de Especialização
Projeto de intervenção: prevenção do Diabetes Mellitus em pacientes pré-diabéticos e com história familiar de diabetes na ESF Verde Vale, Sete Lagoas, MG
Bertha Aguilar Varona
Chronic degenerative disease have an upward trend in the incidence of morbidity, including Diabetes Mellitus can be considered a major public healt problem in the world today with difficult metabolic control of individuals with the disease evolution and constitutes the most frequent cause of disabling injuries. The alteration of nutricional patterns associated with other risk factors is now a global epidemic that causes serious damage to health and compromise the quality of life of patients.After performing the Situacional Analysis of Family Healt team ESF Verde Vale it found a high incidense of Diabetes Mellitus in our area of work,that prevention should be a concern for health professionals.In this paper we attempt to guide healthy eating patterns and the importance of a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and the pré diabetic patients with access to the information center of the Virtual Health Biblioteca(VHL),through data:Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciencies(LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library (ScieLO) on the subject of preventing diabetes mellitus ,prevention ,risk factors that favor the development of disease .This paper aims to develop a plan of action to increase awareness of disease in the population at risk and the importance of change to a haelthy lifestyle for primary prevention of diabetes.