Monografias de Especialização
A avaliação na metodologia da problematização praticada na Escola Técnica do SUS de São Paulo - proposta de capacitação Técnico Pedagógica
Jaqueline Alves Lopes Sartori
This assessment is result of the specialization degree in pedagogic management of the technological schools of Healthy System. This assessment points for the necessity to prepare the healthy professional without an educational degree causing it to be able to work as ainstructor together with the professional formation degree that Healthy System can offer. This preparation goes in the form of pedagogical capacitations and technical pedagogic offered from the school where the instructor can acquaint the pedagogical proposal of ETSUS-SP and the activity proposal to be done with the students in the many courses offered from the school. This instructor are like professionals working at the basic attentions and they need this kind of capacitation.The service formation is important because at the same time of the happen, promote the practical change of the involved professionals in formation by the practical reflections. Instructors and students can review the practice and improve if needed. For this were contextualized the following themes: problematization, professional education and the instructor formation, valuation of methodological problematization. As intervention proposethink about technical pedagogic capacitation turned onto for the valuation of the problematization methodologies. Know to the valuation theme is very discussed and they cause much apprehension int eh educational professionals. In the instructor way to work at ETSUS-SP without the specified formation for these ends the questions are bigger. The technical pedagogical capacitation pursuit work the valuation in their concepts and their practical onto the methodological propose from the school witch is the methodological problematization, one of the composition of ETSUS-SP.