A profissionalização de mulheres e homens na polícia militar mineira segundo a perspectiva de gênero
Eduardo Godinho Pereira
This research investigated gender issues present in the career of military police from Minas Ge-rais (early years of training) with the Cadets and teachers of the Officer Training Course (CFO). The research problem was to understand how the process of professionalization of women and men occurs in this educational organization, focusing on gender issues in their training, relating to their professional and gender roles, expectations, and training fulfillment. The general objec-tive of this research was to analyze the training process of women and men, who are CFO Ca-dets, regarding the division of academic functions, training conduction, and expectations after the CFO conclusion from the perspective of gender isonomy in the professional relationships. The specific objectives of the study were: 1. Identify gender issues that interfere in the division of work and academic functions, as well as the professional opportunities defined during the CFO for female and male Cadets; 2. Identify possible existence of gender-related discrimination in the conduction of these Cadets' training; 3. Identify processes of construction or ratification of pat-terns of masculinity and femininity during the course; 4. Identify and understand the professional expectations of CFO Cadets (women and men), concerning the future positions they will occu-py, influenced by gender relations; 5. Identify and understand how trainers (officers) analyze the Cadets' expectations, professional possibilities, work division, and career within the corporation, verifying if gender discrimination occurs in the school environment. The theoretical framework went through the theoretical production of the following research areas: gender relations, micro politics of organizations, power relationships, and female and male roles as influencers for the definition of functions, specifically in the police field. The methodological approach adopted was exploratory, qualitative and quantitative, being the primary data obtained in the following sequence: 1. Questionnaires applied to Cadets; 2. Interviews with CFO teaching officers; 3. Observations of practical classes; 4. Interviews with CFO male and female Cadets. These data were triangulated and contextualized with document analysis of the CFO databases on the academic activities carried out by Cadets over the last years (1999 to 2018). The study data allow to show that the Minas Gerais Military Police (PMMG), in its internal guidelines and through their academic practices set out in the curriculum plans, meet the aims of gender equality during these Cadets' training process in the investigated period. However, in the perception of students and teachers, differential treatment between women and men still persists in the police training activi-ties, evincing that women still face challenges and differential treatment in the training process. Therefore, in the CFO, there are still practices that tend to benefit men to take the most prestigious functions, allocating to women bureaucratic functions and those that in the police culture have lower status in the organization. These results confirm the need for this organization to continue with its affirmative actions for the inclusion of differences and, certainly, to confront any gender discrimination already prescribed by law. In other words, the search for inclusion strategies to reduce the differences in treatment between female or male Cadets must be a continuous, educational and permanent practice, enabling women and men to have the same prerogatives and rights within the PMMG. It is addressed here a confrontation of gender issues present in the mi-cropolitics of organizations that interact and coexist with other socially constructed inequalities, such as racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, and economic class issues. This study, however, does not offer a complete work on the realities of Brazil's policies, much less Minas Gerais' ones. De-spite a traditional institution with ancestral organization, policy is also the result of its time, its characters, and its economic, social and political conditions. In this sense, this study understands that the CFO military organization is also the product of an environment and responds to it under pressure, conditions and, certainly, influenced by those who construct it.