Monografias de Especialização
Utilização de um livro paradidático como ferramenta pedagógica no desenvolvimento do ensino por investigação: proposta de uma sequência didática para o ensino de genética no 9º ano do ensino fundamental
Luiza Gabriela de Oliveira
A quality education to be developed by the schools requires not only a good education for professionals involved in the process and adequate infrastructure, but also the availability of educational resources that will support the teacher and students. The use of pedagogical tools that stimulate and guide student learning can be considered a means of achieving an education of excellence, capable of forming critical and active citizens. The paradicdatic books can be inserted in the list of teaching tools that contribute to the contextualization and deepening of conceptual content, procedural and attitudinal teachers can make use in their classes to promote a significant teaching of content. Applying the methodology of investigative teaching, which prioritizes the performance of the student in the learning process, can avail themselves of a paradicdatic work the construction of scientific knowledge by students valuing their autonomy. This paper proposes the application of a research activity with science content "of heredity, Mendel postulated" for the 9th year of elementary school with the use of the paradicdatic work "Genética e DNA em quadrinhos