Monografias de Especialização
Comparação entre as versões manuais e computadorizadas dos testes Torre de Londres (ToL), Teste de STROOP (STROOP) e Teste Wisconsin de Classificação de Cartas (WCST)
Suzan Caroline Such
This study aimed to verify the functional analogy between manual and computer applications in the Stroop Test (Stroop), Tower of London (ToL) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). These tests are used in the assessment of executive functions, considered essential for managing human behavior and therefore belong to the neuropsychological evaluation of normal subjects or with cognitive or neurobehavioral alterations several causes. The implementation of computerized testing has benefits such as accuracy in the presentation of stimuli, feedback, temporal measures (reaction and duration of responses) and accurate record of the responses, thus eliminating possible errors in data collection and scoring. The application by the examiner allows activities such as encouragement of the subject, clarification of the rules, help you focus on the task, and to obtain qualitative data during the test that are not possible to observe the score only. The data showed significant similarities between manual and computerized versions of the WCST-64, considering the number of correct, categories completed and number and percentage of errors indexes, indicating a possible convergent validity between the versions of this test, as was mentioned in similar studies, but with differences in methodology. The same cannot be seen in the ToL test, which compared the number of moves and scores of versions. In the Stroop, only the time II index showed similarity, and differences in all other (time and error I, error II, time and error III). It was noted further that the computerized versions of the WCST-64 and Stroop tests were more motivating for the age group assessed (8-10 years) and that children with greater computer knowledge in general, performed better on computerized versions. Still, the more stimulated the kids were (use of computer, internet), better was their performance in Raven. These data demonstrate the relevance of research involving computerized tests to improve the assessment of executive functions, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of several deficits of behavioral and psychiatric disorders. This study of convergent validity of these instruments was a first step towards future studies that aim to standardize computerized versions in brazilian population.