Monografias de Especialização
Combate ao tabagismo: plano de intervenção em saúde no município de São Roque de Minas
Aline Minelvino Oliveira
The tabagismo is understood now as a problem of responsible public health for more than fifty diseases comprovadamente associated to your use. The initiation usually happens in the adolescence and youth, mainly in underdeveloped countries. The world mobilization for the combat to the tabagismo finds reflexes in Brazil, with the development of the National Program of Combat to Tabagismo (PNCT), with aid of the National Institute of Cancer (INCA), that normatiza the approach to the smoker, qualifies professionals and, with resources of ministry of Health, disponibiliza inputs for therapeutic approach of the disease. The present work seeks contextualizar the social situation and of health in the municipal district of São Roque of Mines, to revise literature regarding the principal themes related to the tabagismo and to propose intervention plan for improvement of conditions of health in this municipal district, using the national consent for treatment and the smoker's approach, starting from the adhesion of the municipal district to PNCT.