Dissertação de Mestrado
Distribuição de mercadorias através de espaços logísticos urbanos
Rafaella de Souza Henriques
Urban freight transport is the feeder of the whole consumption chain, and it is essential for the society survival. But it causes conflicts. Unfortunately, in the Brazil most initiatives comes down to restrictive legislation and punishments for carriers. In this context, this study aims to analyze the use of Urban Logistic Space as an intermediary step in the delivery of cargo to its final destination. To develop this work, two mathematical models were elaborated in order to characterize the current situation of urban freight distribution (Model 1 based on classical approaches for vehicle routing problem) and the proposed situation for the use of ELUS as intermediate in urban freight transport (Model 2 based on classical approaches for network design problem). Three scenarios were analyzed: the Scenario 1 to represent the current situation and application of the Model 1, the Scenario 2 represents the proposed situation and application of the Model 2, and the Scenario 3 represents an intermediate situation between the previous, using both models. The routing results, Scenario1, showed that the used trucks have traveled long distances and mostly with low capacity utilization of vehicles. For the design network model, Scenario2, the results showed that the trucks have circulated smaller distances with greater utilization. Furthermore, when placing tricycles to transport the "last mile", the costs and CO2 emissions are reduced, corroborating for a greater feasibility of using ELUS, according to Scenario 3.