Monografias de Especialização
Alterações dimensionais de vias aéreas superiores relacionadas á cirurgia ortognática e suas possíveis repercussões no sistema cardiorrespiratório
Fernando Zander Mucci Santiago
The orthognathic surgery is used in the correction of occlusal and facial changes providing functional and aesthetic balance, in addition to taking a clear psychological benefit to the patient. This surgical procedure has as a factor correlated the resizing of the upper airways, which could increase volume and reduce respiratory rate. Reduced respiratory rate brings benefits in the prevention and management of cardiovascular autonomic changes. The absence of studies relating the resizing of the upper airways, as a consequence of orthognathic surgery, and the cardiorespiratory system demonstrates the need for further development in this field, which could lead to a new vision of orthognathic surgical procedures, with new indications and benefits inherent.