Dissertação de Mestrado
Análise comparativa de concretos simples e armado modificados e revestidos com resinas epóxi
Agnus Rogério Rosa
During the hydration and hardening process of the conventional concrete, voids between the grains of the aggregate and cementitious matrix are formed. Such voids or pores allow penetration of water and aggressive agents that could damage the concrete structure. Polymeric binders, such as Bisphenol F epoxy, allows the pores are filled with the resin that will form a film making the concrete less permeable improving their performance and preventing the penetration of pathogens. This work demonstrated by specific tests that the addition of epoxy resin modified concrete, it becoming less porous and with lower loss weight against the attack from the acid solution. The concrete is more resistive and got less corrosion potential of the steel in concrete when compared to a reference concrete. It has been shown that the addition of epoxy resin improved the quality of concrete as resistance to acid attack and penetration and chlorides, It was also demonstrated the effectiveness of the novolac epoxy coating, facing the attacks of the acid solution, that protected the concrete completely without presenting any film failure.