dc.contributorJoão Paulo Aché de Freitas Filho
dc.contributorMatilde Meire Miranda Cadete
dc.creatorDaniele Mariangela Prates e Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThis paper proposes an action plan to ensure availability and access for users living in the rural health services health teams from the city of Pintópolis - MG. The proposal to develop the plan of action emerged from the needs assessment conducted by the author during the Diagnosis developed in Module 3: Planning and evaluation of health programs, the Curriculum Unit I of the Specialization Course in Primary Health Care Family UFMG, where the difficulty of access for users living in rural localities of the city presented a significant problem. We conducted a literature review on the subject and a survey of secondary data as a way of sustaining the development of the contingency plan contained proposals for action presented and discussed with the manager of public health, teams Family Health and the Municipal Health Council, where it is concluded that this plan is necessary and possible to be developed as a way to strengthen primary health care in the city.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPopulação rural
dc.subjectAcessibilidade aos serviços de saúde
dc.subjectSaúde da família
dc.titleAcessibilidade e acesso dos usuários da zona rural aos serviços do saúde das equipes de saúde da família do nunicípio de Pintópolis-MG: uma proposta de intervenção
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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