dc.contributorMatilde Meire Miranda Cadete
dc.creatorMagno Nunes Coelho
dc.description.abstractThe indiscriminate use of anxiolytics has been a reality experienced in health. Increasingly increases the number of individuals who prolonged use of these drugs. It is known that prolonged use of anxiolytics totaling more than 4 to 6 weeks can lead to the development of tolerance, addiction and withdrawal. Benzodiazepines have safety margin to the population for the symptomatic relief of anxiety or insomnia, but should also consider effective therapeutic actions in these symptomatic as psychotherapy in combination with medications. This work tevecomo objective to propose an action plan aimed at reducing the indiscriminate use of anxiolytics by users in the health unit of the countryside of Governador Valadares. The plan was based on the method of Situational Strategic Planning (PES). Several steps were followed, among the situational diagnosis in health, through which data was collected and prioritized the issue was the indiscriminate use of anxiolytics in the community. After the diagnosis was prioritized the problem with the drive, then explanation of the problem, we survey of critics and, finally, it took a literature review on the Virtual Health Library, with the descriptors: anxiolytics, prevention and Estratégia Health. Later elaborated the intervention plan following the 10 steps recommended by the PES. It is believed that the implementation of the plan could generate benefits for the whole community of rural Valadares.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEstratégia Saúde da Família
dc.titleProposta de intervenção para reduzir o uso indiscriminado de ansiolíticos
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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