Monografias de Especialização
Métodos contraceptivos e sexualidade e gravidez na adolescência: proposta de intervenção
Lucy Helen Cristina Oliveira Rocha
This study aimed to conduct a literature review of scientific productions that deal with adolescent sexuality, pregnancy and contraceptive methods to support the development of a plan of action, considering the problems faced by teenagers in the city of New Cross. This is a review of research literature about the story was the search of publications through the databases of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and manuals The Ministry of Health from the review of the literature are often identified some difficulties faced by adolescents, such as STDs and unplanned pregnancy. The analysis was proceeded to develop a plan of action to meet young people and opportunities for improving service quality in health. It is therefore the need to implement strategies and programs that encourage this group to seek guidance that lead to sound choices, and health professionals and education as facilitators for a healthy adolescence. It is intended to offer, from then on, these teenagers, a differentiated service in order to promote health, prevent risks such as unplanned pregnancy and exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).