Monografias de Especialização
Análise da eficácia do treino de equilíbrio no tratamento de entorse de tornozelo e na prevenção de episódios recorrentes: uma revisão da literatura
Ana Claudia Gomes Oliveira
The sprain of the ankle occurs by an intense movement that can induce rupture or stretch on the ligaments of the joint. The principal mechanism of injury is the inversion of the foot with the flexion ankle plantar, intensive, and mainly affect, the people between 15 30 years old. About 10% to 30% of the patients with lateral ligaments injury present chronic symptoms and/or recurrent case in one year. The functional instability of the ankle is defined by one false feeling in sports practice or daily activities and causes a big impact in persons life. Intrinsic risk factors like force, proprioception, motion amplitude and balance are deeply related to the occurrence of ankle sprains. The training of the balance is a common component in the prevention and intervention program of the ankle sprain complications and it can be measured through the perception of the sense of joint position, through the static and dynamic postural control and the reaction time of the muscle exposed to stress. The training of the balance associated to the others domains of the physiotherapist compose a program of rehabilitation generally used in their clinical practice. In this way, the aim of the literature critical review was to identify if the balance exercises are effective in the rehabilitation of the ankle sprain and on the prevention of recurrent episodes. It has been conducted a bibliographic search in the databases: SciELO, MedLine/PubMed and Lilacs using the descriptors: recurrent ankle sprain, ankle sprain, ankle instability, balance training, prevention, rehabilitation and there corresponding descriptors in Portuguese. Among the analyzed articles, it was excluded the intervening in professional athletes. The results suggest that the balance training, as a disturbing training and functional movements, has direct influence on improving the perception of the sense of joint position in the persons ability to develop postural adjustments and still prevent a new case of ankle sprain. However, the balance training alied to other treatments, must be preceded by a detailed evaluation, individualized and still have the commitment of the patient to treatment, for example, in performing exercises at home. Despite the small number of studies, we can conclude that balance training is effective in the treatment and prevention of recurrence of ankle sprain.