dc.contributorIran Borges
dc.contributorEloisa de Oliveira Simoes Saliba
dc.contributorRogerio Martins Mauricio
dc.contributorAna Luiza da Costa Cruz Borges
dc.creatorPedro Augusto Dias Andrade
dc.description.abstractHeat treatment of cereal is becoming an alternative to optimize the use of grains in animal feed. The expansion of corn improves chemical properties, once the starch gelatinization increases the granule degradability by rumen microorganisms, increasing your energy content.This study aimed to evaluate intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation and physiological responses in animals subjected to different inclusions of expanded corn replacing the corn meal (0, 33, 66 and 100%), under two temperature (comfort and heat stress), checking the bestlevel of inclusion for efficient utilization of the energy content of the diet. The diets affected positively the intake of the fibrous portion of the diets and mineral supplement, but didnt influence the water balance and nitrogen balance of the animals. The concentrations of ammonia and butyric acid declined with the increase of expanded corn. Thermalenvironments have influenced all parameters.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectestresse térmico
dc.subjectfermentação ruminal
dc.subjectgelatinização do amido
dc.titleEfeito do estresse calórico e do milho expandido em parâmetros digestivos e fisiológicos em ovinos
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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