Monografias de Especialização
Os benefícios dos exercícios nórdicos na prática clínica ematletas com lesões de isquiotibiais: uma revisão narrativa
Juliana Lima Ribeiro
Football is the sport with the greatest expression in the world, with participation ofabout 265 million people in its various competitions. The modality is in constantdevelopment, regarding the requirement and the intensity imposed on the athletes,being characterized by the intense physical contact, short, fast and noncontinuousmovements, such as acceleration, deceleration and rapid changes of direction. areaadvocate, elaborate and apply models of sports injury prevention programs, theNordic eccentric exercise being one of the most talked about and used at present,including in the FIFA 11+ program. The objective of this work was to perform anarrative review of the literature in order to demonstrate the benefits of Nordic -eccentric exercises in clinical practice in ischiatibial lesions. The databases Medline,Lilacs, PEDro and active search in the periodical collection of the Library of theFaculty of Medicine of UFMG were done in January and February of 2017, using thefollowing criteria: languages, Portuguese and English; Uniterms included in the titleand / or summary - Nordic exercises, eccentric exercises of lower members,exercise. Result 9 articles were analyzed, 5 of which were selected to make up thereference base of this study, and due to incompatibility of access, 4 wereexcluded.There is positive evidence in the literature that a lesion prevention programinvolving Nordic eccentric exercise is really efficient in order to reduce the rates ofischiatibial lesions, including its practicality of application and execution. Althoughthere are some aversions, it is worth making sure that the exercise should be carriedout in the form of a prevention program in a systematic way