dc.contributorPaula Cambraia de Mendonca Vianna
dc.creatorVânia de Figueiredo Coelho
dc.description.abstractThe World Health Organization (2001) believes that mental disorders will be the leading second cause of illness of the population in 2020. As a result, there is the importance of improving health services dedicated to patients with mental disorders in different areas of health. The aim of this work is to conduct a literature review on mental health in primary care, identifying the importance of the host as a gateway to the demands for mental health in primary care and contextualizing the criterion of accountability of the health team on family health actions mental. The methodology used for this work was the selection of articles of interest from surveys bibliographic collections in the computerized system: Bireme, Scielo, Lilacs, at sites with official statistics of the government - and Datasus IBGE and the Library Joaquim Baeta Vianna (UFMG ) in Belo Horizonte. From the development of this review it was observed that in health care requires attention to the individual so that it feels comfortable and able to receive a unique service, by assessing humanitarian, ethical, technical and supportive. Thus, the skilled professional to provide a good host is able to listen to the patient in a receptive, attentive and caring, being able to promote greater effectiveness and efficiency in the course of their work. We conclude that the inclusion of the mental health services in primary care are essential features in the basic health unit in the country, therefore, essential that the health team has knowledge and motivation to act for patients with mental disorders, and for this to happen teams must be in constant training with the mental health teams.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectUnidade básica
dc.subjectSaúde mental
dc.titleAcolhimento em saúde mental na unidade básica: uma revisão teórica
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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