Potencial de expansão urbana e conservação ambiental: análise de sínteses de interesse na bacia de vargem das flores, Contagem - Minas Gerais
Daniel Matias Costa
The Vargem das Flores basin in the municipality of Contagem/MG has been the scene of intense
conflicts of different origins, including conflicts related to land use and divergent policies
regarding land use planning and environmental protection, since the area is protected by the
typology of EPA. Conflicts related to occupation and land use have their origin related to the
irregularity of occupations that are distributed throughout the basin, while conflicts of political
origin that add to the existing ones arise from the clash between metropolitan interests and
municipal interests in Vargem das Flores. Downstream of the basin is a dam for the formation
of the Vargem das Flores reservoir, which is part of the Integrated Supply System of the
Paraopeba basin, managed by COPASA. After the publication of Contagem's master plan in
2018, many questions arose, as the policy that gives guidelines on the zoning of the municipality
extinguished the rural zone and rezoned part of the area as an urban expansion zone, allowing
the presence of urban occupations in the area. The change in the master plan rejected the
proposals of the Macrozoning of the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region, a metropolitan
management instrument that placed the area of interest to the metropolis due to the presence of
the reservoir. The validity of municipal interests over metropolitan interests placed the
remaining green areas, water courses and drainage channels at risk due to the possibility of
urban expansion in the area. In this context, the present study sought to map the possibility of
reconciling urban expansion and environmental conservation in Vargem das Flores and to
identify possible conflicts of interest in the basin. We used the multicriteria analysis method by
weights of evidence to build three syntheses: urban expansion and environmental conservation;
and the integration synthesis, modeled on the two previous syntheses. After building the
syntheses, manual adjustments were made to the integration synthesis in order to identify land
use skills based on the master plan, resulting in a deeper mapping that sought to meet the needs
identified in the territory. The integration synthesis revealed that the proposed zoning in 2018
puts at risk the natural resources that are fundamental for the reservoir's existence and
extrapolated the areas that showed interest in urban expansion. The aptitude synthesis adapted
to the plan presented an alternative that reconciles the conflicting interests and highlighted the
need to develop policies for greater verticalization aimed at the local situation of the basin.