Dissertação de Mestrado
Estudo sobre o uso das atuais tecnologias pelos sujeitos da EJA no trabalho e na formação escolar
Kleuver Luís Alves Mota
This research consisted in investigating the use that the subjects of the EJA do of the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDICs) in the work and the school formation. The focus of this study was directed to the EJA at the level of High School, being the subjects of this research students studying the third module (third year of schooling) of high school in the EJA in a school of the State Education Network in the city of Divinópolis - MG. The Case Study, based on Yin (2015), was used as a research method. The Case Study is used both for studies of individual, organizational, social, political and related phenomena. Because of its reach as a research method, the Case Study has become appropriate for the study we have developed. In order to collect data we used three instruments: the observation in loco that consists of the observation of the group researched, both in the classroom and in the other spaces of the school frequented by the students, with annotations in the field notebook, with the intention of capturing individual elements and / or groups that reveal the profile of the class searched. The questionnaires applied to each member of the group totaled 36, with questions directed to the use of the TDICs in the work and in the school formation, as well as other questions aimed at the characterization of the class profile. We also used semistructured interviews with a basic script, in which 6 students were interviewed with an average time of one hour for each interview, and one interview per day was performed to make this procedure more effective. For the analysis and transcription of the data collected, we used content analysis that consists of the separation and categorization of the contents collected from agreements with the objectives proposed in the research and hermeneutical or interpretative analysis that seeks to capture the symbolic elements of the language as a gesture, a pause, the tonality of voice among others present in the language. As for the results achieved with this research, the phenomenon of juvenilization stands out, consisting of an increasing number of young people who seek in the EJA their schooling, for a modality of education that was characterized by an adult audience, it becomes a characteristically young public. In the surveyed class, about 65% of the students are 18 to 24 year olds, this situation completely changes the profile of the EJA, thus requiring new methodologies that respond to this demand. The phenomenon of juvenileization of EJA in secondary education, as it is verified, is strictly related to work, young people are entering more and more early in the labor market and seek in the EJA the opportunity to reconcile work and studies and also the possibility of completing their studies in a shorter period. As for the use of the TDICs by the subjects of the EJA in the day-to-day, the cell phone stands out as the support most used for both its versatility and its multifunction. It is worth noting that the school prohibits the use of the cell phone in the classroom, a situation we approached in our research and that opens us to a discussion about the pedagogical use of TDICs.