Dissertação de Mestrado
Análise dos acidentes nas rodovias federais concedidas no Brasil
Cláudio Renê Valadares Lobato
Traffic accidents are one of the main factors to high numbers of deaths in our country and in the world as a whole. In 2017, the total number of recorded accidents on policed federal highways resulted in a loss of R$ 10.77 billion for the country. The accidents on privately operated federal highways occur in segments that are strategical to the development of Brazilian infrastructure. They are located in highways in which traffic is very intense. Up to July 2018, there were more than 9,000 kilometers of highways passed from public to private operation. These segments are located in the South, Southeast, Northeast and Midwest regions of the country. 20 companies were created specifically with the purpose of managing these concessions during the length of the contracts. The need to promote and to pay more attention to the subject of accidents in highways is due to the lack of specific and comparative studies about this matter in segments of federal highways that are privately operated. In this context, the main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the evolution accidents rates on privately operated federal highways. The following specific objectives were derived from the main one: i) the identification of responsibility standards of concessionary companies, based on both the services rendered and the stages of contract; ii) the analysis of the evolution of the legal base that bound the concessionary companies responsibilities; iii) the analysis of accident rates, focusing on the general evolution of accidents, on concessions, and on highway characteristics; iv) the analysis of causal relationships between attributes (geometric and interventions on highways) and the severity and frequency of road accidents; v) the proposition of strategies for improving the monitoring of accidents on privately operated highways. The applied methodology was based on the analysis of accidents and seriousness rates, the analysis of descriptive statistics (average, coefficient of variation, interquartile, among others), of Wilcoxon test, and of Ordinary Least Squares - OLS. The identified results also allowed us to suggest elements for a future proposal of instrumentsto be used for monitoring accidents. Those may make it possible for professions to analyze and to carry out the comparison of accidents evolution in privately operated highways, based on a standardized methodology