dc.contributorMarco Tulio de Oliveira Valente
dc.creatorLeonardo de Andrade Prates
dc.description.abstractThe embedded systems are more and more present in daily life. It is present from toys to life support systems. The peculiar characteristics of the system where the software is embedded require care that are not covered by general purpose computing and neither by engineering schools, therefore, there is a knowledge gap between computerprofessionals and engineering. The aim of this paper is to present such peculiarities and demonstrate why it is important a systematic approach of software engineering. It will examine the fundamental concepts of methods and processes of software engineering and its applicability to embedded software and the necessary additives to ensure propercoverage in this type of system. At the end, we will present a proposal for embedded system development process, with software focus, and the minimum documentation that must be generated to ensure the proposal formalization
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSistemas embutidos
dc.subjectSoftware embarcado
dc.subjectEmbedded system
dc.subjectSistemas embarcados
dc.subjectEngenharia de software
dc.titleDiretrizes para desenvolvimento de Software para Sistemas Embarcados
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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