Monografias de Especialização
A capacitação pedagógica semipresencial como estratégia fortalecedora do saber e do fazer pedagógico dos docentes da ETSUS/CE
Francelia Maria Almeida Sales
Currently, through the major social, scientific and technological, started to require a new model of school where the student is an active element in a process that involves learning, experimentation and practice. From this perspective, it is argued, a new teacher profile, capable of performing a range of functions that go beyond the task of "transmitting content".Teaching in this new reality, increasingly complex, brings greater visibility to the formative processes, and therefore indispensable constant review of these processes, and justify the need for continuing education for those who put themselves in the office of teaching. Although aware of the pedagogical training is as important for new teachers from Directorate of Health Professional Education (Dieps / ESP-EC), which can be seen when analyzing the supervision reports, the self-assessments of teachers, and through observations and informal conversationswith current teachers, is that training is conducted in a fragmented and individualized. Based upon these statements, the design herein presented aims to answer the following question: What strategies used to promote a pedagogical qualification, having as basis the professionalcommitment and ongoing training in Dieps-ESP? Accordingly, defends the use of pedagogical training at a distance, understanding that this is an appropriate strategy, not only to work with the notion of teacher competence, so fashionable today, but also to meet the interests and need for professional teachers and the institution. It is therefore the objective of this project intervention develop a Pedagogical Training Program in distance mode for teachers of technical courses developed by the Directorate of Health Professional Education in the School of Public Health of Ceará. It is hoped, also highlight and analyze thecharacteristics of interactive work and teacher training in the sport at a distance, as one of the current trends and for training teachers as an appropriate way to promote and facilitate the systematic involvement of teachers of technical courses offered by Dieps-ESP/CE. It is in thiscontext of the discussion of knowledge, practice and pedagogical training for the School of Public Health of Ceará who entered this study and developed, reflecting on the need and importance of training for future teachers as a strategy for improving Do your diary.